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Tomato Gardening Containers


There are just a few vegetables or fruit with the mass appeal of tomatoes. They are incredibly versatile and may be used for salads, Italian dishes, and a wealth of other culinary masterpieces. Unfortunately, in some areas, tomatoes are being priced at over $2.99 a pound. The up side is that everyone, regardless of their available space could grow their own healthy, delicious tomatoes by planting them in a tomato gardening container.

All that is really necessary to grow your own tomatoes is sunshine. Of course there are a few other odds and ends that will make it simpler. You will need to get containers. Five to six gallon sized pots work well. For best results plant just one tomato plant per container. We will also need the tomato seeds or seedlings, soil, and wooden stakes to hold the plants up when they grow too tall. String is also helpful for attaching the stalks to the stakes. You might find certain types of tomato plants seem to grow better in containers than others. A lot of experienced growers of container tomatoes suggest using the bush varieties of plants. Cherry tomatoes are very popular because of their smaller size, but do not let that stop you from experimenting with the full sized versions. Early Girl and Celebrity also do well with tomato gardening container use, as do Sweet 100s and Christmas Grape. Decide what size of tomato you need to grow and what purpose you want them for. For example, if you are planning to use your tomatoes primarily in salads, cherry or grape varieties will be an excellent choice.

Of course sufficient sunlight is vital with any tkind of plant. Before planting your tomatoes select the area you want to place your containers for roughly 5-6 hours of sun. Sunlight promotes good, steady growth. The right balance of water and sunlight is crucial for tomato gardening container success.

With all of the recent bad news given to pesticide use in the media, growing your own tomatoes is one way to be sure you know exactly what you are getting in your produce. It is also economical and convenient. There wont be any more need for a drive to the store because you forgot tomatoes. The containers do not take up a lot of space and only one tomato plant can yield all the produce one family needs. The low cost of a tomato gardening container is small when compared to the high price of tomatoes in the grocery store. Why are you waiting? Choose your favourite tomato, select a container, and startenjoy the benefits of tomato container gardening.

Chris Gray is the recognized authority on the subject of container gardening. Her web page Ultimate Home Gardening gives a wealth of information and resources on everything you will need to learn about home gardening. All rights reserved. Articles may be reprinted as long as all the content and links remains intact and unchanged.

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